False American Dream

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Many of us attended colleges and universities promised that with continued education would come better job opportunities and more money. Subsequently we went to school, worked hard to obtain those degrees- graduated- and landed a job or began job searching. For some of us Sallie Mae began her stalking (-_-). A few of us are fortunate enough to land that high salary job, and for some- even if we do land jobs we begin at entry level or mediocre pay so it’s impossible to cover all our costs of living– rent, food, transportation, bills, etc. My question is why is higher learning so expensive if the average salary is not going to be enough to cover the cost of our degrees?

Have you realized that no matter what rank of the college you attend, everyone ends up at the same jobs, and you’re left wondering why didn’t you just go to a community college instead of that expensive university in the first place?

In my opinion, college should prepare you for life after. Life after college gets too serious way too fast. After you graduate you’re thrown out there in the world to figure everything out on your own, along with an excess amount of responsibilities. Employed or not. Today more than half of the class of 2012 is underemployed or unemployed. This statistic is alarming. Something dire continues to haunt our economy and it’s not going away.

What’s the solution?  Do something! Anything! In this new millennium we need to hustle harder to create our perfect American Dream.

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