False American Dream

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Many of us attended colleges and universities promised that with continued education would come better job opportunities and more money. Subsequently we went to school, worked hard to obtain those degrees- graduated- and landed a job or began job searching. Continue Reading »

For the Love of Entrepreneurship


Over the last few years with the declining state of the economy, entrepreneurship has remained on a steady rise during the recession. People want and need to maintain their stability for secure, prosperous futures. Let’s face it, working our boring 9-5, with the same routine schedule everyday is such a bore (unless you’re one of the few blessed to love what you do). Continue Reading »

Brand Addicts

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Louis, Gucci, Fendi, Prada…We all have our fascination with brands, labels and logos. For some, price is not an issue. For others, well…they’ll spend their last dime on a product(s) or rack up loads of debt. It’s a brand obsession that people across the world are hypnotized by. The media definitely strengthens our desires with the constant exposure of the money, the cars, the clothes, and the bags! Continue Reading »

Marriage Crisis


Here in the USA where the divorce rate is at 50% this leaves me with the question, is marriage not sacred anymore? Its supposed to be the union of 2 people who love each other, a vow till death do them part, for better or for worst…Yet, people run to the altar  before they’re even ready or have taken heed to what a marriage entails. With the state of marriage in today’s society, you’d think people would take their time. Continue Reading »