Food for Thought

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A reminder that we all might need…

It’s easy to beat yourself up when things aren’t going the way you want them to…the way you expect them to. Truth is you are in charge of your own destiny. No matter how many dead ends you hit, no matter how much you think you’ve done, you have to keep going, you have to  keep strong. Success is not built overnight. You can’t look at the next person and wish for what they have, but you can aspire, set goals and surpass what they have. Why not? Mistakes will be made. But from mistakes we learn. Don’t be scared to seek out help. Don’t be scared to exhaust all your resources. Don’t be scared of failure. Don’t be scared to be great. Whatever it is on your mind as you read this, just know that if you can think it…you can do it.  -S.S.R.

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