Jealousy Amongst Women

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Women are the most territorial, judgmental creatures on this earth. They often display a jealous, hatred towards other beautiful women and look for things to find fault with on them…

Whether it’s a desperate battle of the thinnest, curviest, or most attractive – it’s unquestionably no secret that women often engage in jealous competition with each other. Females often begin their insecure behaviors because of husbands, boyfriends and men in general. This negative behavior, mainly caused by the insecure,  is destructive. Instead of maturely dealing with their own problems, insecure women may feel the urge to compete with each other to gain false confidence and feelings of worth.

Females have been taught that it’s best to be conventionally attractive, from their hairstyle to bust size, to waist size- all women are given standards to live up to. There is this clichéd belief that a female’s outward appearance is what determines her personal worth. With an attachment to false media messages, women may find it most difficult to break their habit and developed pattern of jealousy. The degree of degradation that females put onto each other by mere envy is ridiculous. STOP IT LADIES!

Influenced women firmly believe they have to religiously keep a gorgeous appearance to live well and obtain desires. They have allowed themselves to become regulated by the cosmetic standards of everyday society. These females are definitely brainwashed into the mindset that their appearance will manipulate to their advantage, to attract a decent man or receive whatever it is they want…Sad.

Instead of seeking out the negative, women should notice positive similarities amongst each other. It is perfectly healthy and OK to befriend and accept other strong females. Putting others down is a poor attempt at self empowerment which is currently practiced all too frequently among all women alike. Let’s stick together!

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