Resentment in Relationships

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Every relationship has been through the highs and the lows…the crazy storms just to later see the rainbow and the sunshine…But in some cases there is that lingering feeling of resentment in the relationship from one party no matter how much time has passed. Depending on the situation (infidelity, lack of commitment, omitting info, etc), you’re left wondering: Why did I sacrifice so much of myself for you and you didn’t? Why didn’t I go sleep with others and you did? Why did it take you so long to get it together and realize what you had?!?

These are not thoughts we want to remain in our minds, yet for some of us it does. The unfortunate part is when certain things trigger negative thoughts. Whether it’s a person, a place, a thing…ANYTHING…you’re left with a feeling of disgust :(. Worst form of resentment is when it’s triggered because of a person (ex, fling, etc.) that your partner is still in contact with knowing you are uncomfortable with them. Mind boggling right? Especially when they leave certain information out, and you find out through other means. Interesting…This is a platform that makes it very easy for many thoughts to develop…and well, a continuous intensification of bitterness & resentment. Try not to believe everything you think though. Easier said than done I know, but make an attempt to eradicate all negative thoughts!!

You have two choices; leave the past in the past or move on. If you’ve chosen to stay, most likely(hopefully) their pros outweigh their cons, so forget the past and begin maintaining a healthy relationship. If not, there will always be problems in your relationship- mainly caused by you. You’ll find a problem with everything your partner does and wont see that you’re the setback since in your mind they’re to blame for your actions. Wrong.

Communicate with your partner, and forgive. You’ll be a much happier person. Trust me! 🙂

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