Woman vs. Man

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Besides the obvious fact that men and women are physically different, there are a number of other significant differences between both genders. I’ve compiled a list of things that stand out most to me on just how dissimilar both parties are:

  • Emotion vs. Logic. Women are more emotional. Men are more logical. 98.9% of the emotional statuses on your social network news feeds are from women. “I hate men” “Love sucks”  “My heart aches”. Men on the other hand, will have posts about sports, and anything non emotional related. Women cry for everything…especially love movies, while men sit there shaking their heads thinking “She cannot be serious. It’s a movie!!!”
  • Communication. Women have this way of communicating where they feel the need to talk about every and anything that occurred in their day, or night out, detail for detail. They gossip a lot and are very dramatic. Men are very direct and to the point. They do not care for the extra details and just aren’t as expressive.
  • Punctuality. Women cannot be on time for anything! What is wrong with females?! In contrast, men are much more punctual. Ladies, men hate your lateness. It actually drives them nuts!!!
  • Bathroom time. Ever notice when you go out in public and take a bathroom break with a guy, he is always finished first and outside waiting for you? Why? Women use bathroom breaks to re-touch up make up, comb their hair, converse with other women, and basically take FOREVER!!
  • Shopping. Men are in and out stores. They know what they want. Women on the other hand, will walk up and down the mall for hours. They’ll go in every store, look at everything, try on everything, and are indecisive about everything…absolutely ridiculous.
  • Memory. Men have selective memory. So ladies please don’t be surprised when you’re discussing something from the past and he’s sitting there clueless (-_-). Women remember EVERYTHING so guys- go ahead and forget, you will surely be reminded…and scolded, depending on what it is you forgot.
  • Driving. Regretfully most women can’t drive. Sexist thing to say but most of you need to stay off the roads. Let a woman be angry and get behind the wheel, run for cover because not a single soul is safe. Women also suck at parallel parking, or any kind of parking for that matter…your attempts are atrocious and damaging. Alternatively, for men- driving (and parking) is something that just comes naturally. Sad truth.
  • Sex. It’s socially acceptable for a man to have sex with a large number of partners. As for women…well we all know what terms are used to describe you if you’re number count is high. Sorry. It is a double standard but that’s the way of the world.

Now, there is an exception to each of these points, but for the most part we can construe that women are indeed from Venus, and men from Mars!!! 😀

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