For the Love of Entrepreneurship


Over the last few years with the declining state of the economy, entrepreneurship has remained on a steady rise during the recession. People want and need to maintain their stability for secure, prosperous futures. Let’s face it, working our boring 9-5, with the same routine schedule everyday is such a bore (unless you’re one of the few blessed to love what you do). You’re tired of working for someone else…who is working for someone else…who in turn, is working for someone else! Why not be your own boss, and work for yourself doing what makes you happy?

By nature, entrepreneurs are risk takers who make considerable sacrifices to try to make their business dreams come true. One of the most important elements to being an entrepreneur is having a genuine passion for whatever it is you’re doing. For some it begins with a favorite hobby, something your heart immensely loves and desires, hence where the formation begins. I believe the secret to success is loving what you do. If you don’t love it, how can you give it your all? You’ll be more concerned about profits rather than your service. Fail.

“If you do work that you love, and work that fulfills you, the rest will come.”    -Oprah Winfrey

Do you have an idea that you’re obsessive about and know will be a great business opportunity? Go for it. But please do know that a significant part of starting a new business is to be realistic with your expectations. Everyone wants to come up with the next big thing, but when their business or idea doesn’t sky rocket over night, they get frustrated. You must have patience, great work takes time to formulate. Always remember, slow and steady wins the race. Just look at Facebook!

An important attribute of being a great entrepreneur is centered on your pleasure in the service of others. You have to LOVE people! That is: helping, working with, and communicating with all people. Surprisingly not everyone became an entrepreneur for the earnings. Some did simply to help solve problems that they found fulfillment in, which later on resulted in success.

To all my inspiring entrepreneurs, I wish you all the best!!!! Please feel free to post your businesses/blogs in my comments, I’d love to support them all. 😉


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