Brand Addicts

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Louis, Gucci, Fendi, Prada…We all have our fascination with brands, labels and logos. For some, price is not an issue. For others, well…they’ll spend their last dime on a product(s) or rack up loads of debt. It’s a brand obsession that people across the world are hypnotized by. The media definitely strengthens our desires with the constant exposure of the money, the cars, the clothes, and the bags! Somehow, wearing the same attire as everyone’s favorite celeb or that top neighborhood socialite makes you look and feel cooler. What’s rather compelling is how people begin to appear as if they’re wearing uniforms because everyone is wearing the same things. What is it about luxury and name brands that is so intriguing?

“For great brands to survive, they must create loyalty beyond reason. The secret is the use of mystery, sensuality and intimacy… the power to create long term emotional connections with consumers.” People believe in the promises they think brands provide to them. Happiness, attractiveness, status, acceptance and success. Feeling as if they have it all, but in reality its all a facade. Some of you might be guilty of this. Uh oh. Cut it out!

Brands such as Apple, PlayStation, and Nike just to name a few, force people of all ages to flock outside of stores overnight and stand on incredulous lines for these must have products. Clever branding I call it. This prompts individuals into spending money on newer versions of things which we already own. But these products make us feel good and up to par with everyone else. Our society is so brainwashed…

Brands don’t define you. Your character does. Dare to be different.

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